Vastu Colors For Your Home

Vastu Colors For Your Home

VastuShastra is the sacred science of prosperity and harmony. It is the art of eliminating negative vibes from around you and welcoming the positive ones. Everything in the universe has a level of energy associated with it from the colours of your home to the entry gates to the mere foundations and for a prosperous and healthy living, the energy created by these things should affect you only in a positive way.   The colours in your home have the power to have a direct impact on your behaviour and your fate. They have direct link with your thinking patterns, your mood and most probably your attitude throughout the day. They have the capacity of pacifying our mind and stimulate the energy.  You can experience different emotions with different colours in your home, so having them in order with the vastu science is quite recommended. 

Here is a quick guide of Vastu colours for your home:-   

  • Blue:- Blue is the colour of spring and the versatility. It specifies new beginnings. It is an excellent choice for bedrooms and meditation rooms.
  • Green:- Green is the symbol for hope. It infuses good vibes in the room and also ensures harmony and quick healing. It is a perfect choice for study rooms. It generates a breeze of calmness around the house.
  • Yellow:- The colour of the sun, yellow is associated natural alertness and clarity of mind. The energising colours allows you to have a sense of wisdom as well as patience. It is an auspicious colour for puja rooms but attracts direct sunlight, so it is not suitable for bedrooms.
  • Orange:- Orange is the symbol for spirituality. It is the colour that represents transcendence and an otherworldly aspect of life. Is the perfect colour for your dining room as it has the ability to stimulate and stir your appetite. This colour induces optimism and happiness all around the house.
  • Red:- Red is the symbol for power and bravery. Vitality and zest are the two aspects associated with the red colour. The Colour depicts dramatic mood and ignites passion and emotions. It should never be use in bedrooms as it have a energising aura that contrasts with the nature of anxious people.
  • Purple:- Purple is the symbol for trust according to Vastu. Its lighter shades are used for a soothing environment.
  • Pink:- Pink is the colour for joy and happiness. The colour infuses prosperity and cheeriness in your house. Its is perfect for a girls bedroom.
  • White:- White has always been related to peace and calm. It is advisable to have white ceilings.
  • Black:- Black is the colour associated with lack and despair. Moreover, it absorbs sunlight, making the room humid. It is advisable to not use black colour in your home.

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According to Feng Shui principles, neutrals, pastels, and whites are often recommended as the best colors for a north-facing home. These colors create a sense of balance and harmony, and they can help to maximize the flow of energy throughout the home. So if you're looking to create a serene and inviting space, consider incorporating these colors into your decor.

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The entrance door placement and the direction of your valuables locker should be carefully considered. It is highly recommended to place your valuables in the south-west corner of your home as it is considered the most auspicious direction for wealth and prosperity.

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2023-02-22 07:54:07 AM

Money plants are easy to look after and require minimal maintenance. During the summer season, make sure to water your money plants twice a week and provide some sunlight to them. In winter, water them once a week, as the cold temperatures can cause the soil to dry up quickly. You can also mist the leaves to keep them healthy. Additionally, you can use fertilizer every month to keep your money plants strong and healthy.

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Money plants should be placed in the south direction as per Vastu, as this is associated with expression and fame. This will help improve the financial status of the residents and bring in prosperity. It is important to note that the northeast and east-west directions should be avoided, as this could lead to financial losses and disagreements. Additionally, it is best to keep the money plant in a well-lit spot and water it regularly to ensure its growth and prosperity.

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To ensure good Vastu for the puja room, it is best to position the idols in the west or south zone. While an east facing position is possible, avoid a north facing one at all costs.
