The Complete Guide to Vastu Dosh and How to Stop It from Ruining Your Life

The Complete Guide to Vastu Dosh and How to Stop It from Ruining Your Life

Introduction: What is Vastu Dosh?

Vastu Dosh is a Sanskrit term that means “bad luck” or “negative energy.” It is a concept in the Indian system of Vastu Shastra that is believed to bring bad luck when present in one's environment.

The presence of Vastu Dosh can cause problems with health, relationships, and finances. The most common ways to remove it are by using vastu remedies such as Feng Shui and Vaastu Shanti. Vastu Dosh can also be removed by removing the items that are causing it. The most common way to do this is to remove or rearrange the objects in the room, especially any furniture which blocks the flow of energy in your home. Another way is to use a mantra such as ‘Om Shanti Om’ which has been shown to banish negative energies and prevent them from entering your house again.

Major Signs that You are Experiencing Vastu Dosh

In Hinduism, Vastu is the practice of creating a living space that is in harmony with one’s surroundings. It involves orientation of a building according to the principles of Vastu Shashtra and siting it according to Vastu Purusha Mandala. The main objective of Vastu is to create a positive energy environment for the building and its occupants.

Vastu Shashtra is an ancient document, which details the principles of architecture in India. It has been written by some great Indian architects, who have contributed their knowledge regarding the development of Indian Architecture. This book contains drawings and explanations about structural features like pillars, beams and pillars, roofs etc., as well as architectural layout such as doorways, windows and other openings. The basic idea behind this book is that every building should be built according to the natural laws of nature so that it will remain strong and long lasting over time; thus creating a healthy living space for people inside it.

Vasu Dosha is an important part of Vastu rules. In Hinduism, it is believed that there are 3 major signs which indicate that a person has been affected by Vasu Dosha. These are as follows:

  1. The person starts feeling uneasy in his/her house or office
  2. People around him/her start feeling uneasy in his/her house or office
  3. The person starts having health problems such as head ache, back pain and respiratory problems

How to Use Vastu Remedies to Reduce the Negative Effects of Vastu Dosha

The effects of vastu dosha are not always negative. It can be used as a tool to make your home or office more productive.

There are many ways in which you can use vastu remedies to reduce the negative effects of vastu dosha. Vastu remedies to reduce the effects of Vastu Dosha in the home.

If you have a weakness in your kapha, then it is very important that you take care of this weakness by using vastu remedies. You can use many different kinds of remedies such as amla, tamalpuri and other herbs to balance out all types of dosha in your home or office depending on which type you think has stronger influence over your life. If the problem is more kapha-related, then you should use herbal medicines like amla and tamarind for example. On the other hand if there are some problems with vata and pitta too, then these might be better addressed by using various types of spices such as cumin seeds. For those who suffer from severe imbalance between kapha and pitta in their homes, they may need an Ayurvedic treatment through a naturopath or ayurveda doctor to help them.

One way is by using vanaspati ghee which is often used in Hindu rituals and ceremonies. This is a very sacred and auspicious ghee. It has to be prepared by using cow’s milk only.
Vanaspati ghee is made from the fat of cows which are not fed with any chemical substances or steroids that may affect their health. In other words, this ghee is pure and natural too!

You can use vanaspati ghee in your daily diet as well as in rituals and ceremonies like weddings, festivals etc. It will help balance out your body and mind, making you feel more energetic and positive about life itself. The benefits of vanaspati namak for vastu dosha are so many that it cannot be listed here because there are too many!

Conclusion: The Importance of Practicing Vastur Dharm and What You Should Start Doing Now

At the end of the day, we can only do our best and live out our dharma. There is no way to know what's going to happen in the future, but we can make sure to do our best and live in the present. The future will take care of itself.

We can't control the future, and we shouldn't try to. We should just live in the present moment and do our best here and now, because there's no guarantee what's going to happen tomorrow."

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What are the disadvantages of the north-facing vastu house?
2023-03-04 05:32:35 AM

Though being modern north-facing houses has some disadvantages as well. Let's see: For passive solar heating, a north-facing house is a poor choice for people living in colder climates. We don't get much natural lighting in north-facing homes compared to the other direct sunlight directions. It creates an overall gloomier atmosphere in the house. You have to pay higher electricity bills for electronic gadgets in colder climates, and you used to keep your home interior warm or within comfortable temperatures.

What should we check in the north-facing house vastu before making a purchase deal?
2023-03-04 05:31:52 AM

You have to check every vastu detail carefully, especially whether the main entrance of the north-facing property/house is on the right pada (i.e., Soma, Bhallat, Mukhya) before making a final purchase deal as the location of the main entrance is the principal factor in home Vastu.

Should everybody buy north facing house vastu?
2023-03-04 05:31:07 AM

Just as east-facing or south-facing or west-facing houses do not suit everybody according to vastu, the same goes for north-facing houses. Some people believe that a north-facing house is auspicious, while others find it inauspicious. The vaastu of a north-facing house depends on the individual (as per Ayurveda), occupation (as per Varna), and the position of the planets. It is important to be attentive to these factors while purchasing a north-facing house, as a small mistake may sometimes invite danger into the inhabitants' lives.

Which Colour Is Best for the Kitchen According to Vastu?
2023-02-28 05:26:29 AM

White is a great colour choice for the kitchen according to vastu. It is soothing and calming, which helps create a peaceful atmosphere in the kitchen. Additionally, white is known to bring positive energy into the home, which is beneficial for the entire family. White is also a versatile colour and can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen, such as in cabinets, countertops, appliances, and paint. With white in the kitchen, you can easily change the look and feel of the space with just a few pieces of furniture or accessories.

What is the affect of pooja room under staircase as per Vastu rules?
2023-02-18 07:02:54 AM

According to Vastu Shastra, the ideal place for a pooja room is on the ground floor of the house. It should not be placed in the basement or on the upper floors, as this could lead to negative energy. Additionally, it should not be placed under the stairs, as this could also cause disturbances in the energy flow.
